reported (in Journal of Psychology) on nutritional therapy research

Amer. Rocket Society prexy says we shouldn't barge in on other planets, raising flags & acting like conquerors, til we've first checked things with local authorities to find out if we're welcome

At annual meet of Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine, Dr. Edmund Bergler, outspoken Kinsey foe, blamed late sexologist for many youths being homosexual, or at least for "burdening them with damaging guilt and selfdoubt." Bergler said Kinsey's unreliable statistics, plus taboo on subject, led many borderline cases to think homosexuality normal, common & scientifically approved, whereas it is really "a specific emotional disease." Bergler," a specialist in that disease," has written many technical papers on its treatment & cure. Federal Prisons Bureau plan to base intensive study of cause, effect & cure of homosexuality on 100 "extreme cases" imprisoned at Medical Cen ter, Springfield, Mo., is welcome, providing they remember "extreme" cases aren't necessarily typical, Generalization in this field tends to be wild.

Philip Wylie in AMERICAN WEEKLY, quoting from late Dr. Lindner, urges arrangements be made to allow men in prison normal married life. He notes many in prison, lacking heterosexual outlets, turn to homosexuality, which often preys on their conscience, making later adjustment harder...A Wash, D. C. wife petitioned district commissioners to restore her marital rights, contending she is entitled to share her jailed husband's bed" until such time as their marriage may be dissolved by death or court decree,'


Shortly after the Demo convention, Kefauver joked, "One thing about Democratic rivals they can kiss & make up." Stevenson fired back, "I'll make up but I'm damned if I'll kiss you." A correspondent added, "At last Adlai's got a straight man." Republicans halting anti-egghead cam-

paign. They need a few brains on their side. . . Ike recently said he and Indonesian President Sukarno had one thing in common preferred "Westernmovies with Randolph Scott to certain curvaceous young ladies. I hope this is not due to our age."

Historian Arnold Toynbee in WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION called women politically dangerous: likely to vote for handsome candidates most likely to be demagogues


Atty. Gen. Brownell, following Supreme Court Ruling, ordered reinstatement of all "non-sensitive" security suspensions. Some clarification urgently needed on "security" classification of homosexuals. JET reports "quiet probe" in Wash.D.C. postoffice of homosexual suspects. AIR FORCE TIMES reports "Discharge for homosexual acts or tendencies gets a longer and stiffer set of rules under new AFR 35-36. AF's new policy statement: There is no distinction between off-duty and onduty time. Exceptions (to prompt discharge rule) will be considered only under the most extenuating circumstances."

Commenting on German Press complaints about American G.I, misconduct, deputy chief of Army chaplains Tobey told Natl. Council of Churches services are out to improve moral, spiritual environment of young servicemen. Millions of $s will go for wholesome recreational facilities. Draftees will be screened to weed out poor behavior risks, & heavy emphasis placed on worship services, character guidance courses & other programs conducted by chaplains.

Of more than 4000 Calif men examined for draft this year, over third (including many high school grads) failed to pass educational ability tests. 1212 were nixed on aptitude or moral grounds & about 600 for physical disability.

Democrats complain about TV show DRAGNET's constant harping on how cops are "hampered" by rules on search & seizure, request comparable TV time to defend civil rights.